Matchett Supports
This unit is proving its popularity, not only from the professionals, but very importantly, the children find it attractive and enjoy the corrective treatments because it lends itself to being fun. Parents also find it to be socially acceptable.
The following four treatment sessions are achievable:
1. Sitting balance control. Because the hips are held firmly the child feels secure thus achieving good balance.
2. Standing abduction.
3. Prone lying allowing good spinal extension. It also encourages neck and head control
4. Sitting abduction with carer.
Mini Jessica
Accommodates the 6-18 month old baby, when therapy sessions are required, for example balance control and sitting abduction
Mini Eileen
The EILEEN range was developed for the control of a back extensor spasm. The length of this unit supports into the nape of the neck, down the entire spinal column to the sacrum. The shape of the unit moulds around the person’s form creating warmth and extremely firm back support, therefore coping with an extreme back thrust. The inclusion of the flap holds the unit in place due to the body weight of the client. It has been found that for general requirements of side lying, the unit holds the patient very effectively, but also comfortably. When placed in front of a patient this would cope with a flexor spasm. It has also shown great benefits when side lying a patient to assist in drainage of a lung. This unit is showing its benefits and ability with neurological clients, as well as general spasticity. The MINI EILEEN was designed for positioning smaller / younger patients (under 4’6”)
Micro Eileen
The same benefits and applications apply as for the EILEEN range, but designed for paediatrics.
Units used in combination, for example MINI EILEEN with a MICRO EILEEN are proving to be very effective in side lying requirements. The combination controls both extensor spasms and flexor spasms, resistance to this combination by clients, especially children, is rarely seen.
Mini Sam
The SAM range was designed to give total leg support without rotation to include ankle and foot support. This unit also provides adequate adduction for the majority of clients when side lying. Either with knee flexion, contractures or straight legs. SAM was designed to compliment the EILEEN range when used side lying. When in position the leg height is in alignment with the hip. MINI SAM is a smaller version of the SAM, with all the benefits, suitable for a leg length of up to 30 inches.
Micro Sam
An even smaller version of the SAM, with all of the bene- fits, suitable for a leg length of up to 20 inches.
Mini Katie
Cuneiforms T-Roll is proving to be very popular and has found to be tolerated for much longer periods than firmer T- Rolls i.e. can be used for up to 8 hours at a time. The risk of pressure areas is also reduced and the unit has shown prevention of patients from needing complete bed care. Difficult clients accept the KATIE as opposed to more con- ventional types. Patients suffering with a variety of neuro- logical conditions are being helped in the prevention of con- tractors and in the inhibition of spastic patterns.
The MINI KATIE is suitable for a paediatrics up to approxi- mately 4ft, giving abduction of 4.5 inches, with a base height of 6 inches.
Micro Katie
An even smaller version of the KATIE unit, with all the same benefits. Suitable for a paediatrics up to 3 years of age, giving abduction of 3.5 inches, with a base height of 4.5 inches.
This unit is used extensively with the care of the terminally sick child. Professionals, parents, and especially the chil- dren, respond to this very simple light weight and aestheti- cally pleasing unit. All benefits and characteristics apply as for DORA, but dimensions are smaller.
Micro Dora
See as for above but smaller dimensions, therefore coping with paediatrics.
Mini Leanne
The LEANNE range can accommodate knee contractures as well as curbing external rotation or scissoring. LEANNE helps to maintain a mid-line position as it gives both adduction and abduction. Ideal for situations where supporting flexion of the knee is required. The LEANNE can be used for day or night time periods. Due to its light weight, the unit stays in position during rebound therapy sessions, thus giving comfort and stability to the client. The MINI LEANNE is designed for the same applications as LEANNE, but coping with small adults and children.
Visible reduction of high tone and reduction of muscle spasm are soon observed, over the entire body. Extremely good for prone posturing. Because of the unique support, side rotation and sliding down the unit are eliminated. Whilst prone, good shoulder flexion can be achieved. Head control has also been witnessed, therefore giving the client a new environment coupled with freedom. Visible extension of the spine is another good feature. Supine lying offers an alteranative position, which can be varied slightly to give a sitting position. The GUSTAV is a smaller init suitable for children, giving the same benefits as the CORAL.
The GUSTAV unit is ideal for use in sensory rooms and for use in rebound therapy, the holding and moulding ability is maintained when used on a trampoline.
Mini Alex
This is a graduating height unit to gently elevate a client when sleeping. Its channelled characteristic is designed to maintain the head and neck in a mid line position. The unit must be positioned under the shoulder blades to achieve stability and correct elevation.
Micro Alex
An even smaller version of the ALEX unit, with all the same benefits.
Mini Clare
The CLARE range was designed initially for adduction in night time positioning. In supine night positioning for cerebral palsy children with low tone, we now find a mid line position is maintained throughout the night giving the child and parents a good nights rest. The legs are flexible on waking and remain so for a period of time during the day.
Additional uses include prone lying, straight sitting, sitting abduction and sitting.
MINI CLARE is a smaller version of the CLARE unit.
Micro Clare
An even smaller version of the CLARE unit, with all the same benefits.
Mini Mat
This unit accommodates the profoundly disabled. Ideal for therapy sessions, it helps to reduce spasm and lowering of tone. Particularly beneficial for epileptic clients as it gives a warm, safe and cosy environment for the recovery period.
A small flat wedge designed to cope with a child with a se- vere kyphosis, conversely if TASMAN is turned the oppo- site side it accommodates a lordosis. This unit is also used for prone positioning with babies to small children.
Designed to curb an upper scoliosis, as well as giving the whole body support, and to reduce hip rotation. This unit can give abduction if carefully positioned, alternatively an abduction wedge can be used also in case of high active clients. The entire unit offers firm warm support, therefore maintaining a good body symmetry for night positioning.
Trial reports on the JOSIE RANGE state that clients with a kyphosis / lordosis are very well accommodated and can lie supine without the risk of pressure areas. These cleverly designed units allow the carer / therapist to encourage and so to acheive shoulder flexion or promote extension. This unit can also be used for prone positioning with quadriplegics and tetraplegics.
Please note the JOSIE range will not cope with patients who are high tone.
The units come in four sizes:
Josie 1 – 6 to 18 months
Josie 2 – 18 months to 5 years
Josie 3 – 5 years to 12 years
Josie 4 – 5′ 5″ – and over
An abduction unit designed to work with the corresponding JOSIE unit to complete a good mid line position. The unit has two stabilising flaps which holds it in position. Sizes correspond with the JOSIE above, although JOSIE 1 is too small to accommodate an APRIL.
Designed to give lateral support in a child’s buggy. This subtle unit, whilst supporting the shoulders, also stabilizes the hips, therefore creating good balance control and centralisation.
With the bumpers joined by a flat back flap, the JENNY is able to give firm lateral support when required. Can be used in chairs (not wheelchairs) or in bed. Very helpful to therapists in therapy sessions to control the upper abdomen
Mini Hazel
The HAZEL unit gives greater lateral support than the NECK PILLOW. Effective when head control is needed in a wheelchair. Alternatively, can be used in rebound therapy , or for physiotherapy sessions. The MINI HAZEL is a smaller unit and now caters for the young child, giving gentle lateral support. Can be used in therapy sessions to maintain a mid line position.
The various sized small pads of the ELLA range are designed for premature babies or small infants. They adapt to help ‘fill in’ awkward gaps etc, to assist in positioning and give support in the early years. Each unit has an attractive pure linen cover, there is a zip in the waterproof inner unit to assist in varying the density of the filling. There are 6 sizes in the ELLA range – Ella 1 is 3″ x 14″, Ella 2 is 3″ x 8″, Ella 3 is 3″ x 7″, Ella 4 is 4.5″ x 14.5″, Ella 5 is 6″ x 20″ and Ella 6 is 6″ x 27″.
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