Showing all 3 results

  • Altitude XL Plus Electric Stander (Bariatric)


    UK & IRELAND DISTRIBUTOR OF THE ISKO-MED “ALTITUDE PLUS” ELECTRIC STANDING FRAME (FORMERLY QUEST88) The ALTITUDE PLUS is a free-standing Electric bariatric version of the hugely popular CLASSIC Stander from German manufacturer Iskomed. The stander can be used by people with a wide range of conditions. Adults with spinal and head injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, or…

  • Delta Advance Electric Stander


    UK & IRELAND DISTRIBUTOR OF ISKO KOCH ELECTRIC STANDING FRAMES (formerly Quest88) The DELTA Advance from German manufacturer IskoMed, can be used by people with a wide range of conditions. Adults with spinal or head injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, and Motor Neurone Disease all have the potential to stand using this piece of equipment. The lifting…

  • The Altitude “Classic ” Standing Frame


    WE ARE THE UK DISTRIBUTOR OF THE ALTITUDE ELECTRIC STANDING FRAME (formerly Quest88)   The ALTITUDE “Classic” Stander from German manufacturer IskoMed, is a freestanding Electric sit-2-stand vertical standing frame, designed to enable the user to be safely raised from sitting to standing and then positively supported during their standing program.  It is designed to lift users…